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A Night To Remember

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A Night To Remember
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37 min  •  9 September, 2020

Tonight you will spend the evening with Colombian teen beauty, Valeria Gonzales. With her pretty face, tight body and big sexy ass she is going to give you a night you will never forget! She seductively removes her tight black dress to reveal a super sexy body and she teases you by licking and sucking your bulging cock. Watching her big ass as you pound her from behind is a site you need to see!

Comments (5)
5 years ago
@acjackson2431 Agreed. Absolutely gorgeous girl. I'd love to see her in a solo scene just to remove the usual intangibles like a malfunctioning penis, guys grunting and groaning, overly-active manhands, etc. I can't imagine what positive VRLatina thought could come from releasing this video. If anything, they did a huge disservice to Valeria. I wish studios would just acknowledge when the final product is not of a high enough standard to a) charge people money and b) not embarrass or disrespect good female talent by releasing it just for the sake of numbers or having a new release. Quality matters. This girl deserves MUCH better than this.
5 years ago
This girl was super hot, but the male talent ruined the scene. Unable to get hard the whole scene. RCG was attempted and quickly aborted. Close up mish angle was terrible, couldn't see any of the action. Bad overall scene, but the girl was awesome, hopefully she gets a scene with someone who can perform.
5 years ago
@thejinx2Na just reach out to the company and directors. They are all over social media. How do you think they finally booked Kesha Ortega, twice :) Wait until you see who's coming up. Kesha even wore her clear heeled sandals. Sexy head to toes

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