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Busty Elf princess Tokyo shows us her high heels and her restless feet in tight pantyhose

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Busty Elf princess Tokyo shows us her high heels and her restless feet in tight pantyhose
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15 min  •  8 March, 2025

People who think that Elves don't exist, haven't watched many foot fetish porn videos. Tokyo is the hottest Elf princess you will ever get to see in these scenes. She is gorgeous, her boobs are big and luscious, her long legs are covered in sexy tattoos, and her feet are her greatest weapons. In this virtual reality video, she is taking us through her incredibly refreshing routine of taking care of her feet and legs. She is wearing an elegant silky dress and tight pantyhose that sparkle in the night. Her shiny high heels are also wondrous and we all enjoy when she slowly takes them off. There, we have her feet alone wrapped in her pantyhose. Tokyo plays with her feet, toes, soles, and all that is for your pleasure. Elves in virtual reality hardly come hotter than this!

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