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Stepmom's Workout

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Stepmom's Workout
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73 min  •  10 November, 2022

You are on vacation at a nice hotel and your stepmom is going to the gym to workout. Unfortunately the gym is closed so she decides to workout in the room. You don't mind as you want to see your stepmom's perfectly sculpted body up close with not much on. She wants your help with a few stretches and you are more than happy to help. She starts to flirt with you a little and you take the opportunity to feel her out. Her perky tits feel amazing. Should you just stop there or is there more sexual workout in the picture for you and her? You and her almost get busted for your sexual affair and your fit stepmom is not sure is she should fool around with her stepson anymore. Since the gym is still closed, she does another workout for her legs in the room. Now your cock springs to action. You hold her hips and guide her ass towards your hard cock. Does she decide to let your cock slide into her wet pussy or are you just dreaming? There is only one way to find out how this workout turns out.

Comments (2)
3 months ago
It really is too bad that the audio crapped out during the last scene which is the only sex scene. It’s almost as if the microphone got covered somehow. Otherwise this chick is super hot and all of the acting and actions feel very realistic. Would love to see more of her.
2 years ago
This scene is so awesome, too bad the sound in the last chapter is so screwed up, can't hardly hear anything. The sound sounds like a conference call lol. Anyway, PLEASE PLEASE bring her back if she's still available!!!!!

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