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52 min  •  13 November, 2018

Alex Blake is a dedicated Sailor Scout on a mission. This busy beaver has been running all over town raising funds for a class trip, and now she needs YOUR help! Will you agree to buy her treats in bulk and help Alex meet her quota? She'll sweeten the deal with her tight pussy as you get the most bang for your buck! Indulge your sweet tooth today.

Comments (35)
4 months ago
@FatPapaTony Yes, I'm gonna buy all your cookies, Alex, despite the sailor top with shoes & socks. You did climb over a chair to kiss me, so it's the least I can do. 🥰

23:19 - "Oh, I thought you would cum on the first few pumps, but you're surprising me & I like it"
Oh, I see she's fucked Tarzan before. 🤣🤣🤣

2:39 2:45 15:30 18:44 38:51 38:57 39:55 51:32 52:21 - Page 844
4 years ago
Alex - Day 10

Why doesn't Alex give the cookies to her parents to sell to their co-workers? 🤨

CG Her face was sweating, hair matted down a bit. The sweat threatened to drop off her chin like raindrops onto my face. Yes! 😓😛 Then the movie cut away to mish, & her face was toweled off. No! 😢 Oh, well, maybe next time. 🥰

Also, don't mind the vibrator even tho she showed up with it in one of her socks ... socks she kept on with shoes the entire running time of this movie. 😒 Anyway, wish sex toys were used in scenes more often.

I believe this is the first Alex Blake scene I saw when I joined WankzVR, pre POVR, & it still holds up. Cheers! 🥃🍻 ... None for you, Alex since you said in the last movie you weren't old enough to drink. It's weird to me you can make porn & smoke, but can't drink? 👀 What the hell do I know anyway? Except you are too old to be selling cookies for band. " ... this one time, at band camp ... " 🤣
4 years ago
> @nenam this scene is one of Alex's best.

Totally agree on Alex & this scene in particular. Patiently waiting for the remaster of this one.

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